Monday, June 23, 2008

The thing that Nintendo should have fixed a long time ago..

As most of you probably know, the wii has NO actual hard drive. It only has 512mb of flash memory which is an insanely small amount. Considering that Nintendo recently launched their new Wiiware service you would think they would have released something to store these games on. But no, there is barely enough memory to store 5 or 6 wiiware games if that was all you had on your Wii. Couple this with Virtual console games, Game channels such as the Mario kart or Wii fit Channel, and games saves this equals 1 heck or a problem. We as customers are now being forced to delete our older downloaded games to make room for new ones, appropriately referred to as, "cleaning the fridge." Sure, I mean you can put them on an sd card or just redownload them later, but we shouldnt have to do this. It would be fine if you could play the games directly off of the SD card then I would be fine with that but you have to move the games back to the Wii just to play them. Nintendo, this is one problem that needs to be fixed immediately.

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