Wednesday, July 9, 2008

monster hunter 3 Wii exclusive

This is the Wii exclusive that could raise the bar for online on the Wii, Monster hunter 3. If you don't know this series, its a dungeon crawler set in a town filled with hunters. You then go and kick the crap out or dinosaurs and other beasts with close range/melee or distance attacks. Then you skin and collect objects off the monsters you defeated. The more you kill and if you kill larger monsters, you can make better equipment from the skins, bones, teeth, etc. This system revolves around making your character 100% customized to your liking.

What’s really interesting about the series though, and something that makes me wonder just how the game is going to work on Wii, is its online focus. Players can hop online into a main world with tons of clans full of hunters, and join up in temporary or permanent groups to go on specific hunts and gain material to use either in more online, or back in local play. The PS2 Monster Hunter debuted with keyboard support as well, and even though voice chat wasn’t something I remember being a focus (or even in there, if memory serves), keyboard functionality was included, and it was used by most users in a big way. It was a bit archaic at the time to sit there and type, but it also gave the game this crazy “classic” feel to it, and I dug it.

And since Monster Hunter Wii is the official sequel to the series, making it “Monster Hunter 3” in all respects, I’d expect the series to really shine on the system. After all, the team knows the “last gen” tech that allowed for PS2 and PSP titles, and using the added power of Wii could make it an awesome title for the franchise’s non-Sony debut.

As a final quick reality check on the game, just check out a few of the stats for Monster Hunter Freedom 2. The PSP version – which I’d assume will be smaller than what we’d seen in the next official sequel of the series – already included over 250 quests, 70+ monsters, more than 700 weapons, and 1,400 armor types. That’s a lot of customization, and if done right, Monster Hunter 3 has the potential to be the top online Wii title thus far, and easily the deepest third party experience out there. For fans of games like Diablo or even select MMO titles, Monster Hunter has all the potential in the world to be one of your top games on Wii.

This is one heck of a win for Nintendo and i am hoping that they can get over the hurdles like medal of honor heroes 2 did with nintendos online. If they can do this it could turn out to be one of the top games on the Wii

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